Name: Jonathan Ng Xian Wei
Date of birth: 2nd April 1991
Applying to be: Accountant
Career Goal: To make my first million by the age of 29, invest in properties and retire by the age of 65.
Personal beliefs and values: "Nothing is impossible, just difficult" and "Treat others with the respect and love that you would treat yourself"
Strengths: Motivated, High energy, Confident, Friendly, Polite
Past working experience: None yet
Previous schools:
Wesley kindergarten
[ 1994 – 1997 ]
Anglo Chinese School (Barker Road) Primary/Secondary
[ 1998 – 2008 ]
- PSLE 2003 [200 points]
- O LEVEL 2008 [L1R4 – 12points, L1R5 – 18points]
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
[2009 – present]
- Diploma in Business Information Technology (BIT)
{In-progress, completes in 2011}